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Pastor Daniel Padgett


On March 20, 1979 and the two Sunday services following were held at The Philips Home, then moved to Middleburg Civic Center where services were held until June 27, 1979. The Second Baptist Church was organized and Bro. Leeroy Dalrymple was elected as pastor. The land on Cinnamon Street Baptist Church was purchased and cleared in 1981. Services were held in a tent for over a year. The first camp meeting was held in the tent in August 1982. The first church building was started on February 15, 1983. The annual camp meetings are held in June. More land was purchased and cleared with a ground breaking celebration in August 1984. the second building was finished for the first service held on June 1, 1986. The current building was completed in 2003. Services have been held there since the completion. The Gym was built in 2008.



We believe......

all men are sinners and fall short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23)

that there is a price for sin, and the price is death (Romans 6:23)

that God loved the world so much that he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to pay our sin debt (Romans 5:8)

in the salvation of Jesus Christ and that the only path to heaven is through him

in order to be saved one must realize you are a sinner, realize there is a price for sin, believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and with a repentant heart, place your faith in Jesus alone for eternal life. ( John 3:16, John 3:36)

Service Times

Sunday school - 9:45 a.m. 

Sunday Morning - 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday Evening - 7:00 p.m.

Sunday School Classes Start at 9:45 a.m.


Lead by Jason Padgett

7th Grade to 12th Grade

Lead by Matt Diley 

3rd Grade to 6th Grade

Lead by Mrs. Trish LaBrie

K - 2nd Grade

Lead by Mrs.Teresa Vernon

6 weeks to 4 years

Lead by Paige Dillon


April 2, 2017

March 12, 2017 

Book of Ruth

December 25, 2016



Youth Camp

Dates: July 24-July 28, 2023

Cost: $200.00/person

Ages: 10 & up


Youth Camp Memories

Daddy Daughter Dance

Christmas Memories

Truck or Treat - October 

Fall Festival - November


Please contact us with any questions or membership inquiries